How soon should I book my event?
Securing your event with DJ Gregory Guerrier can be done easily and as soon as you have your date, timeframe of event, and location set.
How do I book a date?
Simply click onto the (CONTACT) tab and fill out the form. We’ll be in communication with one another. Afterwards a summary of what we’ve discussed over the phone, in person or on video conference in conjunction with additional information from the inquiry form will be sent your way as a contract agreement invoice. Your event date & time will be secured once you’ve submitted your retainer fee. Doing this confirms our agreement and provides a clear understanding with a piece of mind for your event.
Do you charge a set-up & breaking down fee?
No charges for set up or breakdown.
When is the final payment due?
Final payment can be submitted anytime early you wish. The final payment is due on event date before the 1st song is played.
How much time do you need for set-up & break down?
On average one hour is needed for set-up, and one hour is needed for breakdown.
Why don’t you do Weddings?
You wouldn’t want your dentist to also be your ophthalmologist. Even though they’re both doctors, they specialize in different fields of operating on people. DJ’s are similar in the sense it breaks down into various sectors too. I pride myself in not taking any type of gig just because it’s offered. I choose to do the right event that fits both your vision in unison with my service. When anyone does things they’re passionate about in life, you always get the best outcome. That said weddings and karaoke are not on my interest list of services and there are plenty of other DJ’s who specialize in those fields. Thanks for considering me & I wish you the best on your big day!